Standards were prepared for quantitative X-ray microanalysis of the halogen elements Cl, Br and I in sections of resin embedded biological specimens. Halogenated aromatic compounds were dissolved in resin, which subsequently was polymerized. Homogeneity and stability of the standards were determined and found to be satisfactory. A general procedure of calculation of elemental concentrations according to the continuum method is given for the case that the specimen contains appreciable concentrations of one or more rather heavy elements. It is shown that use of approximations may lead to unacceptable errors, even in the concentration ranges occurring in biological specimens. As a practical application, the concentration of bromine in the chloroplasts of the red alga Chondrus crispus was determined quantitatively. The inner cells contained more bromine than the epidermal cells: in the chloroplasts of the inner cells bromine concentrations of about 6% could be demonstrated.