Infrared and Raman Spectra of Fluorinated Ethylenes. IV. 1,1-Difluoro-2-chloroethylene

The infrared absorption spectra of gaseous and liquid CF2:CHCl have been obtained in the regions 2–22μ and 2–38μ, respectively, with the aid of LiF, NaCl, KBr, and KRS‐5 prisms. The Raman spectrum of the liquid phase has been photographed with a three‐prism glass spectrograph of linear dispersion 15 A/mm at 4358A. Relative intensities and depolarization ratios have been measured for the stronger Raman bands. A complete assignment of fundamental vibration frequencies is given, the spectra are interpreted in detail, and thermodynamic functions are calculated for the temperature range 253–600°K.