Analytic solutions are obtained for the equilibria of a simple two-locus, heterotic selection model with mixed selfing and random outcrossing. T W O general phenomena are possible, depending upon the viabilities and the degree of selfing: (1) Negative disequilibrium potential, under which only gametic disequilibrium is possible; and (2) positive disequilibrium potential, which can result in permanent gametic disequilibrium provided that linkage is sufficiently tight. Under random mating (s = O), these two situations correspond to negative and positive additive epistasis, respectively. With partial self-fertilization, however, this is no longer true, and a more appropriate measure of gametc dis-equilibrium potential, ∆ (s), is introduced. A numerically aided examination of the model results in the discovery of two new properties of partial selfing with selection: (1) With negative disequilibrium potential (∆(s) < 0), the equilibrium mean fitness increases with increasing recombination. With positive disequilibrium potential (∆(s) > 0), the opposite is true. (2) Gametic disequilibrium can increase or decrease as the degree of selfing is increased. Therefore, it is apparent that partial selfing and linkage are not analogous as regards the maintenance of disequilibrium.