Trematode, Gregarine and Fungus Parasites of Anopheles Mosquitoes

Papers on the occurrence of trematodes in Anopheles mosquitoes, on their larval development and on their development into the adult fluke Pneumonoeces variegatus Rud. in the lungs of the frog in the Netherlands by the author, were reviewed, because they have been lost in the literature. A gregarine Diplocystis metselaari is described, found by Metselaar in female Anopheles farauti in Netherlands, New Guinea. For the species found by Johnson (1902) in Anopheles maculipennis, the name Diplocystis johnsoni is proposed. A fungus parasite, Coelomomyces walkeri is described from 2 female Anopheles tesselatus, caught in Indonesia. This species is identical with type 1 of this genus found by Walker in Anopheles gambiae in Africa. Type 4 of Coelomomyces found by Walker in the same mosquito and the species observed by Manalang in common species of Anopheles in the Philippines are denominated Coelomomyces ascariformis n. sp.

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