The ternary selenides Cs2Pd3Se4, Rb2Pd3Se4 and K2Pd3Se4 have been prepared by fusion reactions of alkali carbonates with palladium and selenium at 850°C. According to X-ray powder patterns (Guinier-Simon technique) Cs2Pd3Se4 is monoclinic with α= 6,493 Å, b =14,204Å, c = 6,414Å, β=120,41° and is isotypic with Cs2Pd3S4 (C 2/m, No. 12). Rb2Pd3Se4 and K2Pd3Se4 are orthorhombic and isotypic with K2Pd3S4 (Fddd, No. 70). Rb2Pd3Se4: α=11,076 Å, b = 27,092 Å, c= 6,353 Å; K2Pd3Se4: a= 10,954 Å, b = 26,196 A, c = 6,317 Å.

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