Low drive stripe head velocity in bubble garnet material

By observing the motion of an unpinned stripe head with a sampling optical microscope, domain wall motion in Y1.57Eu0.78Tm0.65Ga1.05Fe3.95O12 bubble garnet has been investigated at constant drive in the low field range from well below the Slonczewski critical field, through the Walker critical field, and up to the region previously investigated by radial expansion. A low field mobility of 400 cm/sec Oe was measured compared to 1020 cm/sec Oe predicted theoretically. The velocity increases smoothly as the drive field increases with no evidence of any peak velocity as predicted theoretically. A saturation velocity of about 7 m/sec was observed in good agreement with the radial expansion data considering the large difference in the mode of motion. Overshoot was observed in the stripe head motion which varied somewhat with drive and seemed to be essentially constant for the long propagations involved. Since the overshoot could easily be made less than 10% of the total distance, stripe head propagation is a good method for materials characterization.