Concanavalin A reactivity pattern of human amniotic fluid AFP examined by crossed affino‐immunoelectrophoresis. A definite test for neural tube defect?

The percentage of alpha‐fetoprotein (AFP) not reacting with concanavalin A (con A) was determined by crossed line affino‐immunoelectrophoresis in amniotic fluid from 25 pregnancies with neural tube defects (NTD) and other fetal abnormalities giving rise to elevated AFP levels, and from 128 pregnancies with normal outcome. The percentage of con A non‐reactive AFP is significantly lower in the presence of fetal abnormalities (mean 3.4 %, range: 0.0–6.3, n = 23, compared to the percentage found in normal pregnancies (mean 17.2 %, range: 6.6–35.8 %, n = 128). In amniotic fluid samples from normal pregnancies, the percentage of con A non‐reactive AFP in 84 cases with total AFP levels lying within the 95 % reference interval was not significantly different from the percentage found in 44 cases with levels above the 95 % reference interval. The percentage of non‐reactive AFP in fetal serum and cerebrospinal fluid was of the same magnitude as found in amniotic fluids of pregnancies with fetal abnormalities. It is concluded that analysis of the percentage of con A non‐reactive AFP by crossed line affino‐immunoelectrophoresis is a simple, reliable and apparently diagnostic test for NTD and ether abnormalities with leakage of fetal serum or cerebrospinal fluid into the amniotic fluid. The test should therefore be used in all cases with only marginally elevated AFP levels, so false positives may be avoided.