A structural link between inactivation and block of a K+ channel

Gating the ion-permeation pathway in K+ channels requires conformational changes in activation and inactivation gates. Here we have investigated the structural alterations associated with pH-dependent inactivation gating of the KcsA-Kv1.3 K+ channel using solid-state NMR spectroscopy in direct reference to electrophysiological and pharmacological experiments. Transition of the KcsA-Kv1.3 K+ channel from a closed state at pH 7.5 to an inactivated state at pH 4.0 revealed distinct structural changes within the pore, correlated with activation-gate opening and inactivation-gate closing. In the inactivated K+ channel, the selectivity filter adopts a nonconductive structure that was also induced by binding of a pore-blocking tetraphenylporphyrin derivative. The results establish a structural link between inactivation and block of a K+ channel in a membrane setting.