Outcome of Group Treatment for Sexually Abused Adolescent Females Living in a Group Home Setting

The present study examined pre- to posttreatment changes on several outcome variables following a group treatment for sexually abused adolescent females living in a group home setting. The treatment, called SAY Group, is a 20-week, closed-enrollment group that employs a cognitive-behavioral, PTSD-informed approach. Pre- and posttest assessments were completed by 43 SAY Group participants and by their group-home caregivers. Significant improvements were found on adolescent self-report measures of internalizing and externalizing problems, PTSD symptoms, and self-worth. No significant improvement was noted for depression. Caregivers reported significant improvement on internalizing behavior problems and PTSD symptoms, but not on externalizing problems. Preliminary findings indicate that SAY Group is effective in reducing symptoms commonly associated with sexual abuse.