Anorectal and colonic disease and the immunocompromised host

The immunocompromised host is becoming increasingly ubiquitous in the authors' patient population. There are growing numbers of long-term transplant recipients, and combination chemotherapy is producing many long-term survivors. Of greatest concern is that the number of patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causing immunosuppression is increasing. The literature is reviewed to produce a current summary of conditions affecting the anorectum and colon and arising as a direct consequence of the immunocompromised host. Pathophysiology and theoretic considerations are mentioned where applicable and current therapy is discussed. The conditions are classified under infectious, neoplastic, iatrogenic, and congenital. Although the colorectal surgeon will encounter most of these conditions sometime during a career, many are infrequent, and a current review is provided herein to provide categorization and updated information.