Vaccination against Hong Kong influenza in Britain, 1968–9: A report to the Medical Research Council Committee on Influenza and other Respiratory Virus Vaccines

SUMMARY: Studies of the effect of Hong Kong (HK) influenza vaccine were made in adults and children in Great Britain during 1968 and 1969. The vaccines were administered intramuscularly and also by intranasal spray. The serum antibody response was studied in 284 subjects. Most developed rising titres to vaccine given intramuscularly and few to vaccine given intranasally. Deoxycholate-split vaccine was as potent as conventional whole virus vaccine. Antibody titres were maintained for months. Over 4000 subjects in factories, offices and schools were observed during the epidemic. The incidence of disease was not significantly reduced by either form of vaccination. A survey was made of epidemics in boarding schools in which some of the pupils had been vaccinated, in six with commercial polyvalent vaccine and in five with HK; there was a lower incidence of influenza in two schools vaccinated 2 or 4 weeks earlier with HK vaccine.