Pressure‐Temperature Study of Sulfospinels

Several new compounds with the formula AB2S4 were synthesized. Pressure‐induced polymorphism of the sulfospinels was investigated. The only spinels which transformed to the NiAs derivatives were those in which the A and B cations had unfilled d orbitals. Pressure‐temperature phase relations were investigated for a series of sulfochromites. At 600°C the transformation pressure decreased in the order MnCr2S4, FeCr2S4= CoCr2S4, NiCr2S4 (an NiAs structure at P= 1 atm). Sulfospinels which produced new high‐pressure phases were NiRh2S4, FeYb2S4, CrIn2, NiIn2S4, CoIn2S4, and MnIn2S4.