CONCLUSION: Initially we explained the main part of our model which enabled us to estimate and compare the long run and global economic effects of alternative transportation facility plans.Usually the short run effects of this kind of regional economic impact have been analyzed by input‐output models, and the long run effects by econometric models. However, in this model, the input‐output model and the econometric model were combined so as to enable us to analyze the global and long run economic effects. The interregional trade pattern coefficients and input coefficients change endogenously in each year in this model. It has previously been assumed that the fixedness of interregional trade pattern coefficients and input coefficients are the weakest points in applying the interregional input‐output model for long run studies. In our model, on the contrary, variation of these coefficients has central importance.We then showed the results which were obtained from applying this model to a comparison of the long run economic effects of alternative bridge construction plans over the Japan Inland Sea. The results obtained from this demonstrative calculation are reasonable. Thus, we think, this model has sufficient applicability to the comparison of economic effects of alternative plans for nationwide transportation facility improvement. However, the variations of production cost differentials between regions are given exogenously in this model. To make them endogenous, agglomeration economies should be considered more precisely. In that case, the applicability and the precision of this model could be improved.

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