Sneezing, congestion of the nose and serous discharge without constitutional symptoms constitute a syndrome well known to all. Inspection of the nose shows little except intermittent turgescence of a pale mucous membrane. The condition is usually spoken of as some manner of rhinitis, catarrh or coryza. Its frequent occurrence in asthma and seasonal hay fever was recognized long before the word allergy was coined. In spite of its ubiquity it has never received an acceptable name. It is not an inflammation. Of the five classic symptoms of inflammation, "dolor, calor, rubor, tumor and functio laesa," only tumor and functio laesa are found, nor does the uncomplicated condition produce fibrosis in healing. In renal disease, a similar condition is distinguished from true nephritis by the term nephrosis. Were it not for the fear of confusion with rhinoceros, the term "rhinosis" might be suggested. However, with a mental reservation on the last

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