Microwave Spectrum of Methyldifluoroarsine

The spectrum of CH3AsF2 was investigated over the range 10–33 kMc/sec. Three Q branches (Kc=5→4, 6→5, 7→6) and two R transitions (J=2→3, Kc=2→3; J=3→4, Kc=3→4) were fitted by a Hamiltonian which included terms for over‐all rotation, internal rotation, nuclear quadrupole coupling, and centrifugal distortion. The internal rotation perturbation calculations were carried in some cases to the fifth order. The reciprocal moments of inertia are A=5414.49±0.15 Mc/sec, B=5381.28±0.15 Mc/sec, and C=3871.88±0.15 Mc/sec. The b axis is perpendicular to the plane of symmetry. The height of the internal rotation barrier (assumed to be sinusoidal) is 463±6 cm−1. The quadrupole coupling constants for As75 are eQqcc=−220±4 Mc/sec and η0=(qbb—qaa)/qcc = −1.20±0.05. The structure, barrier height, and quadrupole coupling constants are discussed briefly.