Calculable Sparticle Masses with Radiatively Driven Inverted Mass Hierarchy

  • 23 December 1999
Supersymmetric models with an inverted mass hierarchy (IMH: multi-TeV first and second generation matter scalars, and sub-TeV third generation scalars) can ameliorate problems arising from flavor changing neutral currents, $CP$ violating phases and electric dipole moments, while at the same time satisfying conditions on naturalness. It has recently been shown that such an IMH can be generated radiatively, making use of infra-red fixed point properties of renormalization group equations given Yukawa coupling unification and suitable $GUT$ scale boundary conditions on soft SUSY breaking masses. In these models, explicit spectra cannot be obtained due to problems implementing radiative electroweak symmetry breaking (REWSB). We show that use of SO(10) $D$-term contributions to scalar masses can allow REWSB to occur, while maintaining much of the desired IMH. A somewhat improved IMH is obtained if splittings are applied only to Higgs scalar masses.

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