Of the man conflicting experiments* which have been performed on the single scattering of fast β-particles by atomic nuclei, it is generally accepted that the most reliable are those of Chadwick and Mercier, and of Neher. The former experimenter used the annular ring method and an ionization chamber to examine the scattering of the non-homogeneous β-rays from RaE by an aluminium foil, between angles of 20° and 40°. the results were in fair agreement with Darwin's classical relativistic formula: q = πnt (Ze2/m0c2)2 . (1- β2)/β4 . β2 cosec 2 ψ, (1) where q = fraction scattered through an angIe greater than θ, Z, t and n — atomic number, number of atoms per cc, and thickness of scatterer respectively, e and m0 = charge and rest mass of electron, β = v/c = ratio of velocity of β-particle to that of light, and ψ is defined by the relation β cot ψ = tan [π-1/2(π + θ) cos ψ].

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