Atmung und Glykolyse der Rattenleber während der Behandlung mit 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzol

1. At the example of the production of liver cancer in rats by feeding with 4-dimethyl-aminoazobenzene the problem is examined, whether the metabolism in the liver gradually turns into the cancer-metabolism or suddenly only then, when the carcinogenic degeneration is complete. 2. During the treatment the respiration of the liver evidently but not significantly decreases and is often higher with carcinomas than with the untreated controls. 3. During the treatment the aerobic and mainly the anaerobic glycolysis increase up to the threefold of the initial value. The strongest increase, however, takes place quickly and is detectable already in the beginning of the treatment. 4. After stop of the treatment the alterations completely disappear within 5 days and that also after the highest total doses 4-DAB. The earlier observed glycolysis can therefore not be considered as cancer metabolism, as more as it is inhibited by n/250 oxalate. 5. The produced hepatomas show the characteristic tumor metabolism described by WARBURG. Now the alterations are irreversible. The change takes place abruptly. 6. The cancer-free parts of the same livers show after stop of the treatment a completely normal metabolism. 7. The described results support the view that the occurrence of the strong glycolysis is not the cause but the consequence of the carcinogenic degeneration.