Synthese von Koproporphyrin III und IV, ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Porphyrie.

Of the 4 theoretically possible constitutions of coproporphyrin, III and IV have been synthesized by methods already reported for I and II. The tetramethyl esters have these sharp melting points: I at 151[degree], II at 288[degree], III at 146[degree] and 172[degree], IV at 182-3[degree]. The double melting point for III is characteristic. The double coproporphyrin I has been described previously as the natural one obtained from blood and yeast. The ester crystallized from a case of congenital purpura by Hijmans van den Bergh, Regniers, and Muller can be identified with III. Moreover, III occurs in nature as a derivative of normal blood pigment, while hemin with an arrangement of side chains corresponding to I has not been observed.

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