Gram-negative asaccharolytic, agar-corroding organisms were isolated from lesions of advanced destructive periodontal disease; 78 oral isolates and reference strains of E. corrodens, B. ureolyticus, W. succinogenes (Vibrio succinogenes) and Campylobacter spp. were grouped serologically by using the microagglutination technique. The 4 spp. of oral organisms (E. corrodens, B. gracilis, W. recta and C. concisus) were clearly differentiated from each other on the basis of agglutination with rabbit antisera produced against representative live organisms. Agglutination patterns showed both a lack of intergroup relatedness among the oral isolates and a lack of serological identity with the biochemically similar organisms W. succinogenes, B. ureolyticus and Campylobacter spp.