Orbital correlation diagrams based on multiconfigurational variation of moments I. Theory

A multiconfigurational variation of moments (MCM) is presented to determine correlated orbital energies. Appropriate multiconfigurational one‐particle operators are introduced starting for closed‐shell systems from the restricted Hartree–Fock (RHF) scheme and for open‐shell system from the unrestricted Hartree–Fock (UHF) scheme. The advantage of these operators is the linear form of the correlation energy in the configuration interaction (CI) coefficients. They obey HF analogous pseudoeigenvalue equations and are therefore a generalization of the HF operator. In principle, the scheme can be extended to a multiconfiguration self‐consistent field (MCSCF) procedure for moments. In contrast to the SCF formalism they allow an orbital description of degeneracy and quasidegeneracy of the highest occupied (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied (LUMO) molecular orbital. With these operators, funnels of thermally forbidden Woodward–Hoffman reactions, as well as dissociations, can be described in a physically meaningful fashion by orbitalcorrelation diagrams.