Spin effects play an important role in weak-localization theory. In addition to the well-studied influence of spin-orbit and spin-flip scattering, electron-spin precession can be important when a magnetic field is present. A simple derivation of the spin-precession effect is given, which reproduces the results of impurity-diagram calculations by Maekawa and Fukuyama. Spin precession becomes important when the precession rate ωp satisfies ωp>‖1/τso-1/τsf‖, where 1/τso and 1/τsf are the spin-orbit and spin-flip scattering rates. In this case, the ac conductivity will show a resonance at ω=ωp. The resonant line shapes are examined for the ac magnetoconductivity in quasi-one- and quasi-two-dimensions, and the feasibility of experiments is considered.