Interactions of temperature and ferulic acid stress on grain sorghum and soybeans

Experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that alleiopathic effects of ferulic acid (FA) may be altered by the temperature conditions of the growth environment. Growth of grain sorghum and soybean seedlings over a 10-day treatment period showed that a significant interaction effect occurred between environmental temperatures and FA treatments. Sorghum grown with an average day temperature of 37 °C and soybeans grown at 34 °C had greater dry weight reductions caused by FA than when the respective environments were 8 °C and 11 °C lower. The threshold concentration for inhibition of sorghum growth was 0.2 mM FA under the hot conditions and 0.4 mM FA with the cooler conditions. Soybeans were more sensitive than sorghum, and these inhibition thresholds for the hot and cool environments were 0.1 and 0.25 mM FA. These results demonstrate that temperature stress enhances allelochemical inhibition and indicate that interactions with the environment are an important consideration for understanding allelopathy.