Precision, Speed, and Distraction in Time-Limit Tests

Three models are presented that account for the effects of speed and precision in mental test scores as measured by time-limit intelligence tests. To estimate precision, it is shown that the Rasch model— and, as a special case, the binomial error model —can be used, focusing on the number of items correct and the number of items attempted (usually considered as estimators of these effects). To estimate speed, a model called the Poisson-Erlang model is presented. It is shown that speed can be analyzed into two components: processing time and distraction time. Parameters of the Poisson-Erlang model are used to estimate these components. An outline is given of a new method for analyzing time-limit tests, combining the different models. In addition, it is shown that the Poisson-Erlang model can be used to account for response latencies commonly observed in mental concentration tests.

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