Inner Direction, Other Direction and Achievement Motivation

Concepts of inner direction and of other direction [RIESMAN et al., 1953] are related to sex differences in correlates and antecedents of achievement motivation and behavior. The data support the conclusion that at the present time, American males are other directed in achievement fantasy and action. If the defining criteria of other direction are considered to be: (1) arousal of achievement-related thought and behavior in settings where the participants expect evaluation; (2) lack of continuity over time in achievement-related thought and behavior, and (3) lack of internalization of regulatory mechanisms associated with achievement, the correlates of n Achievement in males are those which Riesman ascribed to the other directed. Data also support the conclusion that those American females who participate in career and professional achievement settings as adults are inner directed. Although fewer women than men pursue intellectual and professional objectives, those who do appear to be guided by internalized goals rather than by evaluation settings.

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