Motility and chemotaxis in Bacillus sphaericus dependence upon stage of growth

Chemotaxis and motility of B. sphaericus 2362 were monitored as the function of a batch culture age. It was found that both functions changed independently during growth of the culture. Motility was low until the late logarithmic stage ensued, whereafter it increased sharply. The ability of cells to respond to chemoeffectors peaked at the mid‐logarithmic phase. A major methyl‐accepting chemotaxis protein (P53, M r = 53 kDa) was identified. The extent of label incorporation in this protein from l‐[methyl‐3H]methionine was maximal in mid‐ and late logarithmic phases of the growth. Cells in stationary cultures incorporated very low amounts of the label. At any stage, the labeling was maximal in starved cells; it was almost abolished in cells pre‐incubated with amino acids. Although extents of P53 labeling in mid‐ and late logarithmic cells were similar, late logarithmic cells demonstrated a considerably impaired chemotaxis. Supermotile sporulating cells were practically insensitive to environmental stimuli. The difference in development of sensory and locomotive functions may be interpreted as an adaptive response. A well developed sensory apparatus would allow vegetative cells to adapt efficiently to fluctuating attractant gradients. Insensitive sporulating cells would tend to disperse randomly from the nutrient‐exhausted area. Thus, spore formation would occur in larger volume of the habitat, increasing the chance of the microbial population to survive.