Absolute intensities of medium-energy muons in the vertical and at zenith angles 55°-85°

Measurements of absolute differential muon intensities have been made with the Texas A & M-University of Houston solid-iron magnetic spectrometer at axis orientations of 0°, 65°, and 80°. The momentum range covered is from 2 to 300 GeV/c although emphasis has been on the accuracy of measurements from 20 to 50 GeV/c. The large-zenith-angle orientations have allowed measurements of the intensity over the zenithal range 55°-85°. The actual measured intensities are presented along with the final corrected intensities evaluated at standard momenta. These measurements, made with a single instrument, may serve as normalization intensities for large-zenith-angle high-MDM (maximum detectable momentum) spectrometers which cannot be operated at arbitrary axis orientations and for which intensity-normalization points at moderate energies can be useful. The results are shown to be consistent with the most recent measurements from the Kiel-DESY magnetic spectrometer. The procedures for recording and analyzing the data are presented in detail.