Sources of Wheat Stem Rust Resistance1

Synopsis: Seedlings of Khapstein, a variety of T. vulgare resulting from the cross Steinwedel × Khapli emmer, were resistant to most isolates of the prevalent races of stem rust in North America used in this study. Within certain races or race groups, subraces indistinguishable on Khapli could be separated on the basis of their reaction on Khapstein.Kenya 117A (C.I. 12568) and Kenya 117A (W 1347) were dissimilar in their reactions to many of these isolates of stem rust. Kenya 117A (C.I. 12568) differentiated biotypes or subraces of races 11‐32 group, 15B, 17‐29 group, and 38. Kenya 117A (W 1347) was not susceptible to any of the isolates used in these tests but its stem rust resistance was not equal to that of Kenya Farmer.

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