Scanning tunneling microscopy investigation of stabilized Au55 clusters

Au55 clusters stabilized by phosphine {Au55[(C6H5)3P]12Cl6 and Au55(C6H5)2PC6H4SO3Na]12Cl6} [K. Fauth, U. Kreibig, and G. Schmid, Z. Phys. D 12, 515 (1989)] were deposited onto highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) and investigated in air by STM in the constant current mode. Single Au55 clusters as well as aggregates could be distinguished. Our images clearly differ from those of free (non-stabilized) metal clusters [E. Ganz, K. Sattler, and J. Clark, Surf. Sci. 219, 33 (1989)]. This is explained in terms of the low conductivity of the phosphine layer which is chemically bonded to the gold surface rather strongly. The single Au55 clusters appear to have a diameter of about 22 Å (including the ligand shell) and seem to be very floppy.

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