Spectroscopic determination of the band discontinuity in GaSb/AlSb multiple-quantum-well structures

GaSb/AlSb multiple-quantum-well structures with well widths ranging from Lz=2 nm to Lz=11.5 nm were studied by means of absorption and excitation spectroscopy. Optical transitions from the quantized ground state n=1, as well as of several higher quantized states (up to n=3), were observed. The distribution of the discontinuity, i.e., the well depth ΔEV of the valence band and the well depth ΔEC of the conduction band, is determined from the energy splitting of the light-hole and heavy-hole subbands. We determine the average valence-band discontinuity ΔEV=350 meV for this system, which is about 23% of the total discontinuity. Strain effects resulting from different lattice constants of GaSb and AlSb increase or lower this value for the light-hole levels or heavy-hole levels, respectively. The discontinuity distribution obtained from absorption and excitation spectroscopy is verified by the analysis of the well-width dependence of the emission energy of direct and indirect recombination in the quantum wells as well as by the well-width dependence of the emission energy of E0+Δ0 transitions.