Electron spin resonance linewidths have been measured at 7 MHz for Cs, Rb, K, and Li solutions from 0.03 mole liter−1 to about 1 mole liter−1. Linewidths increase in the order Li, K<Rb<Cs; the widths of Li solutions are essentially the same as those found for K. Correlation times of the hyperfine and spin–orbit interactions for the unpaired electron spins are calculated for K from very dilute solutions to 1.0 mole liter−1 and are compared with a theoretical expression previously proposed. From this comparison it is found that the mean-square flight distance associated with the conductivity increases by a factor of 3 from very dilute solutions to 0.6 mole liter−1 and is indicative of the onset of exchange processes in the conductivity. The magnitude of the spin–orbit relaxation is discussed and the much larger observed linewidths for Cs and Rb compared to K are interpreted.