The time evolution of a two-level system interacting with a classical monochromatic radiation field is calculated by Fourier transforming the equations of motion. This can be done exactly if one uses the convolution of the product of two Fourier transformations. The method produces recurrence relationships for the transforms. The time-dependent amplitudes of the states and the transition probability are evaluated by using two such recurrence relationships. The time-averaged probability shows characteristic resonances at odd multiples of the ratio of the natural frequency of the system to the frequency of the radiation field. The peaks of the resonances are displaced by the Bloch-Siegert shift. At these resonances the system is completely saturated with the flipping frequency dependent on the strength of the radiation field. The time dependence and the frequency spectrum of the dipole moment is determined at the main resonance and at the three-quantum resonance. The spectrum contains the zero-frequency terms which are responsible for the coherence resonances.