The DNA molecule of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is represented structurally as L-S, where L [long] is a unique sequence and S [short] is a unique sequence flanked by an inverted repeat. S may be present in either orientation in virion DNA molecules, but, to date, L has been found in only 1 orientation. DNA sequences were determined at the L-S joint and genome termini, which were cloned using methods designed to conserve either the 3'' or 5'' terminal nucleotide. Molecular hybridization experiments and analysis of the sequences showed that: the genome is not terminally redundant; the unique sequence in L is flanked by an inverted repeat of 88.5 base pairs; a single unpaired nucleotide is located at each 3'' terminus of the genome, such that fusion of the termini would produce a sequence identical to that at the L-S joint; the virions, 5% contain genomes with L inverted. The implications of these results in possible mechanisms for VZV DNA replication are discussed.