Spectroscopic Analysis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Semiconjugated Polymer Composites

Interactions between arc discharge single-walled carbon nanotubes within polymer composites have been well documented. Here hybrid systems of the conjugated organic polymer poly(p-phenylene vinylene-co-2,5-dioctyloxy-m-phenylene vinylene) (PmPV) and HiPco SWNTs are explored using UV/vis/NIR and Raman spectroscopy at 514.5 and 632.8 nm to determine specific interactions. An examination of the radial breathing modes at 514.5 nm shows similar tube diameters of 1.28 and 1.35 nm selected for both the arc discharge and HiPco composites. The corresponding G lines of both composites show no specific type of tubes being selected. At 514.5 nm, the G line of the HiPco composite (1% mass fraction) shows contributions from semiconducing and metallic tubes, and the arc discharge composite (1% mass fraction) is dominated by semiconducting nanotubes. At 632.8 nm, the G line of the HiPco composite (1% mass fraction) is dominated by semiconducting tubes, and the arc discharge composite (1% mass fraction) shows strong contributions from metallic tubes. This finding is a strong indication that the selection process is dependent on tube diameter rather than backbone structure. The solubility limits of both composites are determined by investigating the G lines of both composites and have been found to be greater than 1% mass fraction by weight for the arc discharge composite and greater than 0.1% mass fraction by weight for the HiPco composite.