Phenotypic characterization, karyotype analysis and in vitro tamoxifen sensitivity of new ER‐negative vulvar carcinoma cell lines, UM‐SCV‐1A and UM‐SCV‐1B

Two cell lines (University of Michigan squamous carcinoma of the vulva UM-SCV-1A and UM-SCV-1B) were established from the primary tumor and a malignant pleural effusion of a 62-year-old woman. Both tumor specimens grew vigorously in vitro and could be passaged after only 14 and 10 days in culture, respectively. Both cell lines undergo 3 population doublings in 4 days, reaching saturation densities of 5 × 105 cells/cm2, and have been carried through more than 30 in vitro passages. In nude mice the cultured cells initially formed tumors but these regressed 2–3 weeks after inoculation. The regressing mouse tumors consisted of poorly differentiated squamous carcinoma surrounded by an inflammatory lymphoid infiltrate. The UM-SCV-1 cell lines express membrane antigens typically displayed by squamous-cell carcinomas. These include the HLA class-1 light chain β2-microglobulin, pemphigus, pemphigoid, and the α6β4 integrin defined by the UM-A9 monoclonal antibody (MAb). In contrast to the A431 vulvar carcinoma, these tumor lines do not have amplified expression of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor. Although tissue from the primary tumor contained low levels of estrogen receptor activity, no receptor activity was detected in the cell lines. Nevertheless, both lines were sensitive to growth inhibition by tamoxifen. This effect was not reversible by estradiol, indicating an estrogen-receptor-independent mechanism. The tumors were both hypotetraploid, contained the same chromosome rearrangements and had stable karyotypes in vitro. Each contained inv(1)(p36.3q32.1), del(4)(q12), dic(4;11)(q12;p11.2), i(5p), der(6)t(3;6)(q25.1;p21.1), several rearrangements involving chromosomes 8 and 14, +i(13), i(18p), a dicentric t(11;19), and 2 or 3 unidentified markers. Since the karyotypes of both tumors were the same, no major karyotypic change was associated with metastatic spread. These paired primary and metastatic SCC lines from an unusually aggressive vulvar carcinoma provide an in vitro model for analysis of the biological basis of this tumor's behavior.