Distribution of maternal immunoglobulins in the mouse uterus and embryo in the days after implantation.

The distribution of maternal immunoglobulins in the mouse uterus and embryo in the days after implantation was studied on sections incubated with sheep Fab anti-mouse immunoglobulins labeled with peroxidase. At the time of implantation the blastocyst is already surrounded by immunoglobulins that are also present in the blastocoel and early endoderm; uterine glands contain large amounts of immunoglobulins. Later, immunoglobulins are concentrated in the vacuolated endoderm, then the visceral yolk sac and the embryonic gut. They are also present in the various cavities of the embryo. Trophoblast cells progressively contain increasing amounts of immunoglobulins. In the decidua, immunoglobulins coat the cells and also occasionally appear as cytoplasmic granules. The early presence of maternal immunoglobulins may represent the transfer of serum proteins as a means of nutrition for the embryo. It may have an immunological significance in the protection of the embryo.