Experimental Search for Chargino and Neutralino Production via Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking Models

  • 4 August 1997
We search for inclusive high $E_T$ diphoton events with large missing transverse energy in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$=1.8 TeV. Such events are expected from pair production of charginos and neutralinos within the framework of the minimal supersymmetric standard model with a light gravitino. No excess of events is observed. In that model, and assuming gaugino mass unification at the GUT scale, we obtain a 95% CL exclusion region in the supersymmetry parameter space and lower mass bounds of 150 GeV/c$^2$ for the lightest chargino and 75 GeV/c$^2$ for the lightest neutralino.

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