Use and Impact of COACH with Students who are Deaf-Blind

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use and impact of COACH (Choosing Options and Accommodations for Children: A Guide to Planning Inclusive Education) with 30 students with deaf-blindness who attended general education classes in public schools. Interview and observational data were analyzed qualitatively while document data were analyzed quantitatively. The findings and discussion centered around five evaluation questions: (a) How do people use COACH? (b) Does the use of COACH result in educational program components referenced to valued life outcomes identified by parents and/or students? (c) How do educational programs developed using COACH differ from those developed prior to its use? (d) In what ways did the use of COACH effect relationships between parents and professionals? and (e) In what ways did the use of COACH effect valued life outcomes for students? Implications for planning in general education settings are discussed.