The Orientation Anisotropy and Orientation Constancy: A Visual Evoked Potential Study

Two experiments were conducted on the orientation anisotropy in which averaged visual evoked potentials (VEPs) were recorded from the occipital scalp. The first experiment confirmed the findings of Maffei and Campbell (1970) that obliquely oriented gratings alternated back and forth produced smaller-amplitude VEPs than when the gratings were oriented horizontally or vertically. Since no asymmetry was found in VEPs produced by a Julesz figure presented under identical conditions, it was concluded that direction of displacement could not have been contributing to the effect. In a second experiment head tilt of the subject was manipulated together with grating orientation and the results indicated that the orientation anisotropy is retinally rather than gravitationally referenced. It was concluded that the site of orientation constancy is located either at higher levels of the primary visual system or in the second visual system.