Larvae of Alpheus heterochaelis from North Carolina hatch from large eggs as advanced zoeae, usually moult three times, and exhibit almost no linear growth during a short (4 days at 25°c) larval development. Stage I lasts 6 hours at most and is sometimes skipped; III lasts about twice as long as II. Individuals simultaneously exhibiting characteristics of Stage III and the postlarva were occasionally seen. The three zoeal stages and postlarva are described in detail and illustrated. Stages in embryonic and juvenile development and the hatching process are briefly described. An ‘extended’ pattern of larval development, characteristic of most alpheid species, is described in a general way, and the ‘abbreviated’ development of A. heterochaelis compared to it. At hatching, A. heterochaelis larvae bear rudimentary pereiopods and pleopods; other structures are at the same level of development in both patterns, but subsequent morphogenesis is faster in A. heterochaelis. Larval development of Synalpheus spp., some of which exhibit extreme abbreviation or direct development, is briefly described with reference to the A. heterochaelis pattern.