Submaximal power output in adopted and biological siblings

Submaximal power output was determined in relative steady state on a bicycle ergometer at a heart rate of 150 beats per minute (PWC150). PWC150 was measured in 880 individuals, 9-26 yr of age, belonging to 46 sibships of adopted sibs, 66 sibships of unrelated individuals including adoptees, 33 sibshinps of 1st-degree cousins, 225 sibships of biological sibs, 56 sibships of DZ twins and 54 sibsips of MZ twins. PWC150, PWC150/kg of body weight, PWC150/kg lean body mass, PWC150/cm of height and PWC150/m2 of body surface area were submitted to analysis of variance and correlation analysis after statistical control over age and sex of subjects. Few significant resemblances were found in PWC measurements for adoptive siblings, unrelated sibs and cousins. Sibling resemblance was, however, significant for the sibships of biological sibs, and of DZ [dizygotic] and MZ [monozygotic] twins. Interclass correlations reached significance only in pairs of biological brothers and sisters, and in pairs of DZ and MZ twins. Estimates of total genetic effect in PWC150/kg in a population of free-living children, adolescents and young adults vary from 0.30 to 0.48. Submaximal power output is only moderately affected by the genotype.

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