The Seebeck thermoelectric voltages of two dilute alloys of iron in gold, Au 0.02 at% Fe and Au-0.07 at% Fe, have been determined with respect to KP (a particular Ni-Cr alloy), "normal" silver, and copper in the temperature range from 4 to 280 K. The power series representation of these data, along with the calculated Seebeck coefficients and derivatives of the Seebeck coefficients, have been extrapolated to 0 K and are presented as a function of temperature. In addition to these reference data, seven different Au-0.07 at% Fe alloys were thermoelectrically intercompared in order to determine the variability in wires from different melts and from different manufacturers. The largest deviation found amounted to about 9 percent of the output of a KP versus Au-0.07 at% Fe thermocouple pair between 4 and 20 K. A more typical variation for this temperature range was 2 to 4 percent. Initial indications are that the reference data can be adjusted satisfactorily with data from spot calibrations on particular wires. The effect of heat treatment is illustrated by comparing our results to Rosenbaum's data for annealed and unannealed specimens of both Au-Fe alloys.