Untersuchungen zum léistungsabhängigen Lysinbedarf von Mastschweinen

With growing pigs (barrows) in the 40 to 120 kg live weight range, a narrow linear relationship of y = 21.06 + 0.7935x(R = 0.9599 sb = 0.0315) was established between daily live weight gain (y in g/kg 0.75) and daily energy consumption (x in feed equivalents (swine)/kg 0.75). The interpolation of the liveweight equilibrium produced a maintenance requirement of 26.5 EF(s) or 93 kcal NEF(s) per kg 0.75. 126 EF(s) or 441 kcal NEF(s) were needed for every 100 g extra live weight gain. The relationships found between energy consumption and gain agree very well with the NEF(s) requirement norm of growing pigs as derived by SCHIEMANN.

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