Holocene to Middle Last Glaciation vegetation history at Newall Creek, western Tasmania

Pollen analysis and 14 C dating of 5.5m of organic-rich soil and fluviatile deposits from Newall Creek (altitude 140 m) indicate that temperate rainforest (0-11 K yr B.P.) was preceded by grassland-herbland (11 to 21 K yr B.P.), and then by open grassy Eucalyptus woodland. Comparison with a lake-swamp site at Tullabardine Dam showed that the main vegetation changes were comparable making allowance for some spatial variations in the taxa represented and the lower quantity of pollen in the fluviatile deposits. The inferred sequence of climatic change was from a cool moist interstadial through a cold last glacial maximum to a warm moist Holocene environment, a sequence also indicated at Tullabardine.

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