The structure of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) foci in Central Europe

The investigations on the structure of TBE foci were carried out in the localities Jívová (northern Moravia), Topolčianky and Žírany (Tribeč Mountains), and environs of Debreczén (Pannonian lowland, Hungary). The biphasic activity curve of Ixodes ricinus, characteristic for the central European conditions was confirmed in all three types. In some localities two or three tick species as vectors come into consideration and the unequal seasonal occurrence of individual species results in a permanent presence of virus-harbouring ticks in nature throughout the year. The average population density of ticks per hectare in a focus near topolčianky in mid-April, 1969, reached 46,000 nymphae and 50,000 adults. About 1% of the tick population were found to be viruliferous. Great differences were found in the composition of plant communities, mammalian synusies and in the population density of small mammals and ticks within the regions studied. Each elementary focus consists of many “microfoci” where the territories of individual host species overlap in space and time. Nests in tree holes and underground probably also belong to these microfoci. The maintenance hosts and indicators in each type of focus are mentioned. Free-living Carnivora can be considered as incidental hosts in each type of focus.