Removal of emboli from the peripheral arteries is still an infrequent operative procedure, especially when one considers that these vascular accidents are not uncommon, and the results of conservative management are usually followed by serious consequences. The first attempt was made by Sabanejew1in 1895, at which time he removed an embolus from the femoral artery but was unsuccessful. Following his example, many surgeons attempted the operation of embolectomy without avail until Labey2in 1911 and Key3in 1912 successfully removed emboli from the femoral artery. A careful review of the literature revealed 131 reported cases of arteriotomy for emboli of the peripheral arteries. The various facts included in these articles will be considered in the discussion.4 REPORT OF CASES Case 1. —L. S., a woman, aged 42, who entered the Michael Reese Hospital, March 7, 1932, under the service of Dr. William Buchbinder, had had