Health status response of rheumatoid arthritis to treatment with DAB486IL-2

Objective. To examine and compare health status and disease activity changes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in a clinical trial of the biologic agent DAB486IL-2. Methods. Data on 45 patients with RA who were enrolled in a multicourse, double-blind trial, consisting of a first, placebo-controlled, course followed by open-label treatment with the active agent to a total of 3 active courses, were examined for evidence of improvement in health status (measured using the 5 components of the Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales 2 [AIMS2]) and disease activity (measured using standard clinical measures and erythrocyte sedimentation rate). Results. Over a single course of treatment, DAB486IL-2-treated patients showed significant improvement relative to placebo-treated patients on the symptom and social components of AIMS2 and in patient's assessment of disease activity. With subsequent open-label courses of treatment with DAB486IL-2, all 5 AIMS2 health status components and the disease activity measures of tender and swollen joint counts, grip strength, and the observer and patient assessments showed steady and generally parallel improvement. Conclusion. Short-term health status effects of this biologic agent were detected using the AIMS2.