HIV prevalence no higher among female drug injectors also involved in prostitution

To assess the prevalence of HIV infection among female drug injectors involved in prostitution and female drug injectors not involved in prostitution, survey-based interviews were undertaken with 308 female drug injectors in 1990 and 1991. Confirmed saliva test results show 12.9% HIV prevalence among female drug injectors involved in prostitution and 14.4% HIV prevalence among drug injectors not involved in prostitution. This gives an HIV prevalence rate of 14.2% among female drug injectors overall. Findings also show that women not involved in prostitution were less likely to be in contact with a drug treatment or helping agency and were less likely to report having had an HIV test. Respondents in contact with a treatment agency and respondents involved in prostitution were more likely to be aware of their HIV status, and 72% of non-prostitute women confirmed HIV positive were unaware of their positive status. These findings of no higher HIV prevalence among female drug injectors also involved in prostitution lend some support to emerging evidence which associates HIV transmission among women prostitutes with an involvement in injecting drug use rather than with an involvement in prostitution per se. Findings also strengthen the need for greater expansion and greater accessibility of HIV testing, counselling and prevention facilities in community locales where drug injection and prostitution is prevalent.