Erythromycin shortens orocaecal transit time in diabetic male subjects : a double‐blind placebo‐controlled study

SUMMARY: Background: The effects of erythromycin on small bows motility are controversial. Orocaecal transit time (OCTT) is considered to be a valid measure of small bowel motility. Methods: We studied the effect of erythromycin on OCTT in diabetic male subjects in a double‐blind placebo‐controlled crossover fashion. After an overnight fast, subjects received erythromycin 500 mf 250 mg or placebo, on 3 different days. A standard solid meal containing 20 g lactulose was administered 30 min after the erythromycin ingestion. Exhaled breath was collected and hydrogen concentration was assessed over 5 h. Breath hydrogen concentrations for each session were analysed over time by a generalized logistic function generating a sigmoidal curve. Front transit time was recorded as the time point when a sustained rise in breath hydrogen concentration of at least 5 p.p.m. was first observed. Results: The mean ± S.E.M. time taken for the front of the meal to reach the caecum was 92.5 ± 9.5, 86.1±16.5 and 62.3 ± 12.1 min for placebo, erythromycin 250 mg and erythromycin 500 mg, respectively. The OCTT was significantly decreased with erythromycin 500 mg compard to placebo (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Oral administration of 500 mg erythromycin has prokinetic effect on orocaecal transit in male patients with diabetes mellitus.