A serotonergic input to the lateral cervical nucleus of cats and monkeys (Aotus trivirgatus) was demonstrated with immunohistochemical methods. In both species, the lateral cervical nucleus was found to contain a network of serotoninimmunoreactive fibers. However, the density of labeled fibers was greater in the monkeys than in the cats. Most labeled fibers were thin and had irregularly spaced varicosities. Electron microscopic examination showed that labeled varicosities were in apposition with dendrites, neuronal lsomata and lunlabeled terminals, but synapses were rare. The results demonstrate that the lateral lcervical nucleus receives a serotonergic innervation, as is the case with other somatosensory relay structures such as the spinal dorsal horn and the dorsal column nuclei. The presence of a serotonergic innervation suggests that the transmission of somatosensory information through the lateral cervical nucleus is modulated by a descending pathway. However, its effect on the response properties of neurons in the lateral cervical nucleus in unknown.